When a baby is born, everyone oohs and ahhs over it, proclaiming it to be “beautiful” or “perfect” or “an angel” or one of a number of other adjectives. Yet aside from a few miracle babies, newborns are…well, many things, but beautiful, perfect, and an angel aren’t any of them. That’s how all parents feel about their babies. I certainly did. My son was a beautiful baby. He was perfect and an angel…but objectively, I knew he was squishy looking, hairy, and had little white bumps on his nose and a cone-shaped head. The doctor assured us that the fine little hairs all over his body would fall away, that the bumps would disappear and his head would soon be the normal shape. Time would fix all the little quirks that pregnancy and the birthing process caused.


Proofreading – $.005/word (so $250 for 50,000 words)

Line editing – $.007/word (so $350 for 50,000 words)

Final read-through – $50-$100

So what does that have to do with your book, you ask?

Merriam Webster defines “baby” as:

something that is one’s personal responsibility, achievement, or interest

Your book—the thing you spent hours, days, weeks…maybe even years working on—is your baby. If you’re here, that means you’re looking for someone to do what time will not.

Make your baby presentable!

That’s where I come in. With almost a decade of professional experience, I’m here to help you take your baby from a rough draft to a polished, ready-to-publish novel so you can do with it what you will, whether it be sending it out to publishers or taking the plunge and publishing it yourself.

So take a look above at my clients (and see their testimonials!) and see what services I provide. *I* believe I can help you. If you believe it, then hit Contact in the menu above and reach out. I’m looking forward to hearing from you, and I promise to take care of your baby as if it were my own.

~ Jenny